Grand Rapids Truck Accident Attorneys


Accident Results







We Have Decades of Experience Helping Truck Accident Victims Get Fair Compensation

Like most traffic collisions, truck accidents happen when you least expect them. But unlike crashes involving two passenger vehicles, trucking collisions have a more devastating impact due to the nature and size of trucks. As a result, truck accidents often lead to catastrophic injuries or death.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a truck accident involving catastrophic injuries or death, Michigan law allows you to sue for compensation. However, truck accident claims are complex, with multiple parties often involved. As such, it is always wise to retain the services of a reputable law firm like Goodman Acker, P.C.

Our Grand Rapids truck accident attorneys have decades of experience representing and fighting for the rights of truck accident victims. We have the skills and knowledge to secure a favorable outcome and commit our time and resources to fight for our clients. Learn more about our services and how we can help you by contacting us at 248-286-8100.

Why Choose our Grand Rapids Truck Accident Attorneys?

Getting proper legal representation when dealing with a personal injury case can be challenging. You need a team that puts you first and will not relent or be intimidated in their fight to help you get fair compensation. This is what you get when you choose to retain the services of our Goodman Acker, P.C. team.

We have a 99% success rate and will maximize your settlement in your time of need.

Having successfully represented numerous truck accident victims, we have a winning track record, recovering millions of dollars in settlement and verdicts. Starting from the initial consultation, we will carefully listen to you and candidly inform you of the strengths and weaknesses of your case.

We treat our clients with dignity and respect and offer our services on a no-win, no-fee basis. This means that if we don’t win, you don’t have to pay. You only pay us when we secure a favorable outcome, so you don’t have to worry about upfront fees. Also, our initial consultations are free, so call us now at 248-286-8100 to schedule one.

Liability in Truck Accident Cases

A truck accident is more complex than a car accident. Often, several parties may carry some liability in the case:

  • The truck driver
  • The owner of the truck or trucking company
  • The truck’s manufacturer
  • Distributors, suppliers, or retailers who provided defective parts related to the crash
  • Those in the passenger vehicle.

Under Michigan law, the truck’s owner is as responsible as the truck driver in the accident. Both must provide compensation to the victim if they are at fault.

Multiple insurance policies may come into play in a truck accident case. Navigating various insurance claims is a complex process that’s best managed by a lawyer who knows how to file these accident claims properly and how to insist upon proper payments from the insurance companies involved. Your case may involve insurance policies for:

  • The truck driver
  • The truck itself
  • The truck’s trailer
  • The goods transported inside the truck.

Evidence of Negligence In a Truck Accident

Commercial vehicle drivers are required by their employers and the law to maintain comprehensive records of their truck maintenance, their stops, routes, cargo weights, and work hours. These records can provide evidence of negligence if improper maintenance, driver fatigue, or an overweight vehicle contributed to an accident.

In cases where the trucking company is at fault, we may be able to refer to the employee’s hiring documents for evidence of negligence. It is possible that the driver who caused your injuries was known to be incompetent and was hired despite evidence of previous offenses, a lack of experience, or a history of drug and alcohol abuse. Applications, job postings, interview transcripts, and training documents can all be used as evidence of negligent hiring practices.

At Goodman Acker, P.C., we take a personalized approach to every case, thereby ensuring that each client gets the attention they need.

Two types of evidence that are specific to truck accidents are the vehicle’s “black box” and records related to hours of service regulations.

The black box is a piece of truck equipment that collects data on the vehicle’s operations. It monitors the truck’s speed, acceleration, length of time driving, brake application, tire pressure, and several other elements. These metrics can provide insight into what happened before the accident and what could have possibly contributed.

Hours-of-service regulations are federal laws that limit the amount of time a truck driver can work during a period. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) states that truckers can only drive for a maximum of 11 hours after they have spent 10 hours not working. Truckers must keep logs of their time on the clock and hours spent driving. Any violations of hours-of-service regulations are not only illegal but can be evidence that driver fatigue contributed to your truck accident.

Michigan’s No-Fault Insurance Act

If you’re the victim of a truck accident, you’re entitled to personal injury protection (PIP) benefits under Michigan’s No-Fault Insurance Act. This law provides you with compensation for:

  • Lost wages for three years
  • Replacement services for three years
  • Certain allowable expenses for your lifetime.

Filing a third-party negligence lawsuit can help you get compensation for expenses not included in your PIP benefits. This may include lost wages beyond the initial three-year period and non-economic damages, otherwise known as pain and suffering.

If there was a fatality, you may be eligible to file a wrongful death lawsuit. In a wrongful death lawsuit, you can pursue compensation for medical expenses incurred before death, funeral costs, lost wages and benefits, property damage, and emotional suffering. Survivors of the decedent, such as a spouse, child, parent, or sibling, may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit.

We have excellent relationships with our clients, as seen in our positive reviews and testimonials.

Grand Rapids Truck Accident Attorneys FAQs

Navigating a truck accident case is a complex process. Our attorneys can help you understand your rights and the potential compensation that you may be entitled to in your case. Some common questions that you may have are addressed below.

The main differentiating factor between truck and car accidents is the size of the vehicles. Trucks are significantly larger in size than passenger vehicles and cause more harm. Also, truck accidents often have multiple liable parties, unlike car accidents, but both require skilled legal representation.

There are several possible liable parties in a truck accident, from the truck driver, company, and parts manufacturer to third parties on the road. Our attorneys can help you conduct a thorough investigation to identify all liable parties and hold them responsible for their liability.

Yes. Under the Michigan statute of limitations, you have three years to take legal action after a truck accident. Time starts counting from the day the accident happened, and once it elapses, you cannot recover compensation from the party responsible.

You can expect economic and non-economic damages, but the amount depends on several factors, like the type and severity of your injuries and the need for future medical care. Also, the amount of loss of income, degree of psychological trauma, and long-term impact on your life affect the compensation amount.

How Our Grand Rapids Truck Accident Lawyer Can Help You

Truck accident cases are complex, with high stakes for the parties involved. As a result, prompt action is crucial to ensure that the evidence is preserved and you can make a strong case. At Goodman Acker, P.C., our experienced truck accident attorney can help you navigate the next steps quickly and efficiently.

We will assist you with:

  • Hiring investigators to examine your case
  • Working with accident reconstruction professionals
  • Collecting witness interviews
  • Preserving evidence
  • Processing insurance claims
  • Filing a lawsuit.

If the accident involved a fatality, we can assist with the additional complexities that this adds to the case, such as:

  • Opening the probate estate
  • Handling funeral and medical expenses
  • Filing for survivors’ loss benefits.

We are available 24/7 to listen to you about your case and provide guidance where needed.

Get the Help You Need from Goodman Acker, P.C. Team

At Goodman Acker P.C., our experienced truck accident lawyers understand the complexities of commercial vehicle collision cases. We know how truck accidents can happen, who may be at fault, and the evidence available to prove liability. Our legal team can help you recover evidence relevant to your claim, build a case, and pursue the compensation you deserve.

So, if you need a law firm in the Grand Rapids area that cares about you and works diligently to get you the best possible outcome, we are the ones to call. Contact us at 248-286-8100 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.

Attorney Barry Goodman


Barry J. Goodman has devoted his professional life to keeping courthouse doors open for victims seeking justice. Always a tireless advocate for his own clients, Goodman sees his responsibility as a Detroit personal injury attorney in a broader sense as well. [ Attorney Bio ]