Michigan Lawyer Blog

What Happens if Your Personal Injury Lawyer Gets into Legal Trouble or is Charged with a Crime


Personal Injury Results






Switching Attorneys in the Middle of Your Case

If your legal representative is accused of, tried for, or convicted of a crime, your case could be in serious jeopardy, and you always retain the right to leave them and find another lawyer. Staying with a lawyer who is being tried for criminal acts could have serious, negative consequences for your case and recovery.

The best thing you can do for yourself under such circumstances is to find a different lawyer you can trust. When leaving your attorney, request a copy of your claim file (which, legally speaking, belongs to you). Should they attempt to keep you from leaving by asserting a lien on the work they’ve done on your case, your new lawyer will be able to help you deal with this properly, and it does not need to keep you from moving to a new, more trustworthy practitioner. (Under such circumstances, remember that you do not owe them anything out of your own pocket if you change to a new attorney.)

When evaluating a prospective representative or law firm, it is also worth your time to ask them if they are currently facing any lawsuits or indictments.

Will My Case Be Dropped if My Lawyer Gets into Trouble?

Admittedly, there is a chance your lawyer’s indictment or criminal matter could affect your case. And while every case is different, one thing is certain: If your attorney is in legal trouble, the value of your claim will be significantly reduced, regardless of your injuries. Many judges may incorrectly assume that you are also committing fraud, which could land you in hot water as well.

The Process of Switching to a New Attorney

The first step in the process of moving to a different lawyer is to find an attorney you can trust. At Goodman Acker P.C., we are well respected in the community and we provide upstanding legal service to all of our clients. We are former Presidents of the Trial Lawyers Association and have been recognized as model members of our communities. (One of our attorneys was also a University of Michigan Regent.)

Once you contact a member of our team at Goodman Acker P.C., we will guide you through the process of leaving your current attorney, starting with helping you request and obtain a copy of your case file. We can also help you adequately inform your attorney that you no longer wish to be represented by them. Your former attorney will then mail your file directly to our office, and you will not be required to have any further contact with them.

When you call us for help, we understand the stress and worry you may be experiencing, which is why we make the process of switching lawyers as simple, painless, and easy as possible.

Proven, Trustworthy Personal Injury Attorneys in Detroit

At Goodman Acker P.C., we are committed to getting positive results for our clients—but never at the expense of remaining above reproach. We understand and adhere to the limitations of the law in all aspects of our legal practice, and we steer clear of any manipulative tactics or other unscrupulous actions which could damage our good name or our clients’ success. (Click to learn more about us and find out what has made our practice a success.)

If you are looking for a new, more trustworthy attorney in Detroit, call Goodman Acker P.C. at (248) 286-8100 today.
