Michigan Lawyer Blog

Pain and Suffering Damages After Michigan Car Accident


Personal Injury Results







There are generally two types of claims a victim can recover in a car accident lawsuit for their resulting injuries. These claims include (1) damages or compensation for actual medical bills, lost wages, and more known as economic damages, and (2) non-economic damages known as pain and suffering damages.

Our Detroit auto accident attorneys explain pain and suffering damages after a car accident.Legally, pain and suffering is a term that refers to a host of injuries a victim may suffer as a result of a car accident. It not only includes physical pain, but emotional and mental injuries as well. Such examples of pain and suffering damages include:

  • Physical pain and suffering, both temporary and permanent

  • Scars, burns or other disfigurements caused in the car accident

  • Mental Suffering or emotional disorders, such as depression, grief, worry and insomnia

  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life, such as denial of social pleasure or hobbies

  • Embarrassment, humiliation or mortification

In addition, not only may an injured victim be able to recover compensation for new injuries, but aggravations to pre-existing conditions as well, such as back injuries or shoulder problems. In order for a victim to recover the maximum compensation, the attorney they hire should fully investigate and document each and every potential damage claim.

Calculating & Proving Pain And Suffering Damages

Every case is different and therefore the amount of pain and suffering damages a person can get for their Michigan car accident case will be different. There is in fact no hard and fast rule to calculate pain and suffering damages, however there are several factors that do help calculate how much money compensation a person may be able to get. Some factors include nature and severity of injury, plaintiff's age, duration of pain, negative effects on marital, social and family relationships, negative effects on mental and physical abilities, disability, and more.

Pain and suffering injuries, particularly mental and emotional injuries, can often be difficult to prove to the insurance adjuster or jury. Unlike physical injuries that you can typically see, emotional and mental injuries are "invisible" to the eye. Therefore, if you or your loved one have suffered injuries in Michigan car accident and are interested in filing a claim for your pain and suffering damages it is important that you choose an attorney who has significant experience representing car accident victims and obtaining sizeable results for them. Failure to do so could result in obtaining little or no settlement for your injuries.

Our Michigan Car Accident Lawyers Can Help You With Your Pain And Suffering Claim

At the law firm of Goodman Acker, P.C., our Michigan car accident lawyers work with clients every day who suffer not only physical injuries, but emotional and mental as well. We understand the traumatic effects of these injuries and are knowledgeable and skilled in how to present and successfully prove such injuries to the adjuster or jury. We will look to your medical records, employment records, testimony, and more to properly ensure you get the full compensation you deserve.

Call us today at(248) 286-8100 if you would like to learn more about pain and suffering damages and what may be available to you. We will discuss your case with you for free, determine what your rights are and calculate what a fair settlement may be for your pain and suffering claim. Our Michigan car accident lawyers have over 30 years of experience helping auto accident victims. We can do the same for you. Call today for yourfree, no obligation case review! Best of all, should you need the help of an experienced attorney, we represent our clients on a trusted no win no fee basis which means no legal fees or costs until we win or settle your claim.
