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What Happens If You Get in a Car Accident While Pregnant?


Personal Injury Results







Driving or riding in a vehicle may seem like an everyday task, but it can be risky for pregnant women. If you're unfortunate and find yourself in an automobile accident while pregnant, there are several unique concerns to consider. In addition to emotional trauma, injuries or complications are possible.

The team at Goodman Acker P.C. has experience handling automobile accidents involving pregnant women in the Grand Rapids area. We will examine the facts of your case, explain your legal options, and tell you what to expect from the claims process. Contact us at 248-286-8100 to request a free case review.

Why Choose Our Grand Rapids Car Accident Lawyers?

At Goodman Acker P.C., our attorneys have years of experience handling insurance claims resulting from car accidents. We understand how traumatic being in an accident while pregnant can be, and we will provide you with the compassion and representation you deserve.

With over 150 years of experience and an in-depth understanding of Michigan’s legal system, the legal team at Goodman Acker P.C. are the people to have by your side when seeking compensation.

We will work hard to ensure that the at-fault party compensates you for medical bills, lost wages, counseling expenses, and pain and suffering. Our car accident lawyers will also consider the future costs of treating the injuries sustained by your unborn child and ensure your compensation covers it. We will be with you every step of the way, so contact us today at 248-286-8100 to begin the claims process.

What Types of Injuries Could a Pregnant Woman Sustain?

Being in a car accident is a scary thing. Being pregnant can present even more concerns. There are some complications a mom-to-be can experience if they are involved in a car crash. They include the following:


Under rare circumstances, a woman may miscarry their unborn child due to an automobile accident. If the stomach or uterus is punctured, the amniotic fluid that protects the baby may drain. This type of injury could cause significant damage, leading to a miscarriage. This may also be the case if the woman stops breathing due to cardiac arrest.

Premature Birth

Being in a car accident can cause a lot of stress to a pregnant woman. The thought that the accident could hurt their unborn child may lead to premature labor. When a baby is born before the 37-week mark, it's considered premature.

Birth Defects

If a baby is born significantly prematurely, long-term adverse effects could occur. Also, if the fetus received a direct injury from the accident, the baby could have a lifelong disability, which may not be evident at birth. Monitoring such a child's health is advisable until they're fine.

High-Risk Pregnancy

If a pregnant woman is involved in a car accident, the doctors may determine that they're now a high-risk pregnancy. The doctors will want to monitor the mother-to-be more closely or even put her on bed rest, meaning she can't be on her feet for an extended period. Bed rest is for the safety of the unborn child and mother.

Contrecoup and Coup Injuries

A contrecoup injury occurs when a person's head moves and hits a stationary object. A coup injury is when a moving object strikes a person's static head. The expectant mother will likely experience one of these injuries in an accident.

You shouldn’t have to bear the financial impact of an accident alone. Let our car accident lawyers at Goodman Acker P.C. help you get compensation.

However, the baby inside the mother's stomach can also experience this. If this occurs to the unborn child, it causes shaken baby syndrome, which can cause lifelong injuries.

Placental Abruption

Placental abruption is when the placenta completely or partially separates from the uterus, causing long-term disabilities, low birth weight, poor physical development, or premature birth. Approximately one in every 150 births in the United States experience placental abruption. The high impact of an automobile accident can cause this to happen.

Fetal Trauma

Fetal trauma can occur when a pregnant woman receives a blow to the stomach, or the fetus is deprived of oxygen. This trauma could be life-threatening, cause injury to the baby's body, or result in a life-long disability.

If you find yourself in an accident while pregnant, make sure that you seek medical attention, even if you don't see any visible injuries to yourself. You should also follow your doctor's orders, including increased check-ups, additional ultrasounds, and bed rest if ordered.

What To Do After an Automobile Accident

If you're involved in a car accident, there are things you must do to protect yourself and your baby and improve your chances of getting maximum compensation. They include the following:

Call 911

The first thing to do is call 911 to request medical and police assistance. When you are on the phone with the 911 operator, tell them you're pregnant, because the EMTs may need to follow a different protocol. After an accident, it's vital to receive medical attention at the crash scene, to ensure that you and the baby are examined for potential injuries or complications before getting to the hospital.

Get to a Safe Location

If possible, move your vehicle to a safe location. You want to avoid any further collisions from happening. When the police arrive, they will direct traffic around the accident site, call for any tow trucks, and take reports from all drivers involved and any witnesses available. This report is essential because you may need it for an insurance claim later.

Get Evidence

You need evidence to win a personal injury claim. So get pictures of your injuries, the crash site, and other essential details about the accident. If there are witnesses, get their contact information, if possible, as well as the contact and insurance details of the other driver. However, if you cannot do this, don’t worry; our car accident attorney will help you gather the necessary evidence.

File an Insurance Claim

Once everything has settled, file an insurance claim to recover any medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage, depending on your coverage. Michigan is a no-fault state, so you won't have to negotiate immediately with the other driver's insurance company.

Insurance claims can get complicated quickly, and insurance companies can deny claims, so you need an attorney to represent your interests.

However, despite being a no-fault state, there are instances where an accident victim can file a claim with the other driver's insurer or file a lawsuit. Accident victims can request compensation if they sustain a severe injury, disfigurement, or disability.

Hire a Car Accident Lawyer

Generally, you need legal representation before you file an insurance claim. This way, the insurance company will attend to you faster and pay the benefits you’re entitled to. Also, you need a lawyer to file a claim against the at-fault party.

Our attorneys will investigate the accident, assess damages, and assign a reasonable amount to your claim, including any expected future expenses. We will maximize your compensation and ensure your rights are respected.

What Happens If You Get in a Car Accident While Pregnant FAQs

No one prays to get into a car accident, especially when pregnant. As a result, they seldom think of what they’ll do if they get into one and always have questions afterward. Below are some of the questions we encounter frequently.

How Much Compensation Can I Receive From the At-Fault Party?

The amount you can receive as compensation depends on several factors, like the severity of your injury and that of your baby, the need for future medical care, pain and suffering, etc. Other things that will influence your settlement are whether you suffered property damage or stopped working because of the accident.

What Compensation Can I Receive If I Get Injured in an Accident When Pregnant?

You will get economic and non-economic damages if you suffer injuries in a car accident while pregnant. The two cover medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, property damage, emotional distress, etc.

How Long Do I Have to Take Legal Action?

You have three years to take action after a car accident. The clock starts ticking from the day the accident happened, and once the three years elapse, you cannot file a compensation claim.

What Will a Car Accident Lawyer Do for Me?

The need for legal representation after an accident cannot be overemphasized. A lawyer will advise you on the steps to take, investigate your case and gather evidence, negotiate on your behalf, and file a lawsuit if needed.

Contact Goodman Acker P.C. Immediately After a Car Accident

Serious injuries during pregnancy can be devastating, and emotions will run high. If you suffered injuries or complications from a car accident while pregnant, contact the team at Goodman Acker P.C. We know no amount of money can take away the hurt, especially if you lose your child. But it ensures that you are not in debt from medical bills and because of other financial losses. Give us a call today at 248-286-8100 to schedule a free consultation. You can also contact us online, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
