Michigan Lawyer Blog

6 Tips to Avoid a Motorcycle Accident


Personal Injury Results







Riding a motorcycle can be a fun and exhilarating experience, especially if you are a thrill seeker. Some motorcycle riders are known for speeding and disobeying traffic rules. The downside of these actions is that they can lead to a motorcycle accident.

While not all motorcycle accidents are the motorcyclist’s fault, and the injured rider might be eligible for compensation, there is a more excellent way — avoiding a motorcycle accident. In this blog, our motorcycle accident lawyer at Goodman Acker, P.C., shares six tips on preventing a motorcycle accident in Michigan.

If you or a loved one has been the victim of a motorcycle crash caused by another person's negligence, don’t hesitate to seek legal representation. Contact us at 248-286-8100 to speak with one of our lawyers.

Why Should You Choose Our Motorcycle Accident Attorney?

At Goodman Acker, P.C., our motorcycle accident lawyers have spent years honing their skills in negotiation and litigation. Our team also has an in-depth understanding of Michigan’s motorcycle accident laws and can adequately represent your interest at the negotiation table or in court.

We are committed to the principles of equity and rendering quality representation to all our clients.

We understand the devastating effects of a motorcycle accident and the long-lasting consequences it might have on your health and finances, so we do all we can to obtain a favorable outcome for you. We are compassionate and aggressive and will not abandon you halfway through your case. Our lawyers will be with you at every turn, offering legal advice and helping you make the best decisions.

So, call us now at 248-286-8100 to schedule a free initial consultation.

Six Tips on How to Avoid Motorcycle Accidents in Michigan

There are several reasons why motorcycle accidents happen, but it all boils down to negligence. In Michigan, there are over 250,000 registered motorcycles, each prone to accident if the riders fail to pay attention to traffic rules or ride carefully. Since it is better to avoid motorcycle accidents than get involved in one, knowing how to prevent a crash is crucial.

Below are six tips on how to avoid motorcycle accidents in Michigan:

Complete a Rider’s Course With the Michigan Department of State

Before getting on the road with your motorcycle, complete the Basic Rider Course (BRC) with the Michigan Department of State and obtain a Skills Tests Waiver Certificate (STWC). The course teaches you how to become a safe and responsible motorcyclist, which reduces your chances of getting into an accident.

Be Careful at Intersections

Michigan has over 107,000 intersections, which are hazardous for motorcycle riders who ignore traffic lights. Vehicles making left-hand turns pose the greatest danger to motorcyclists, as the driver will likely not see the motorcycle or adequately judge the rider’s speed. As the car pulls in front of the bike, an accident can easily occur. Therefore, when riding, be extra vigilant at intersections, checking your speed limit and slowing down before switching lanes.

Pay Attention to Blind Spot

A blind spot is an area around a vehicle that a driver cannot directly see when driving. Cars and trucks have blind spots, and since motorcycles are the smallest vehicles on the road, you must pay special attention to these blind spots when riding. If you stay within a car’s blind spot, there is a high likelihood that the driver will not see you. When you try to overtake from that side, an accident might occur.

Avoid passing a car or truck in a curved or bend area of the road, as the driver will likely not see you in time to avoid a collision.

Avoid Lane Splitting

Lane splitting is illegal in Michigan, but the law allows motorcyclists to have full use of a lane and requires car drivers and truckers to operate their vehicles in such a way as to allow the motorcyclist of the full use of the lane. However, this is not always the case on the road, with motorcyclists constantly splitting between lanes to get ahead.

Such lane-splitting action will likely lead to an accident and must be avoided. However, if you must split lanes, ensure you are not speeding, stick to the left lane, keep to the shoulder, and consider road and weather conditions.

Stay Sober and Avoid Distractions

Michigan law frowns against drunk driving and distracted driving. The two are among the leading causes of traffic accidents. When riding your motorcycle, ensure your blood alcohol content is below 0.08%, and you are not under the influence of drugs.

Also, pay close attention to the road before you and ride defensively. Defensive driving entails assuming other drivers can’t see you and operating your motorcycle accordingly. Note where cars will likely make illegal maneuvers or dart in or out of traffic and avoid such areas.

Frequently Maintain Your Motorcycle

Conduct frequent maintenance of your motorcycle to ensure it is operable. Inspect your clutch, brake, choke, throttle, and cables to ensure they are responsive and not frayed. Also, ensure your battery is fully charged, and your tires are not aged and suffering from wear and tear.

6 Tips to Avoid a Motorcycle Accident FAQs

Motorcycle accident victims often have questions about their legal rights after such a horrifying event. Below are some of the commonly asked questions.

What Is My Right as a Motorcycle Accident Victim?

You have a right to file a claim against the negligent party and receive compensation for your losses. You also have a right to legal representation.

Who Will Pay for My Damages After a Motorcycle Accident?

The at-fault party will compensate you for your damages. Note that motorcycle riders are not mandated to carry no-fault insurance coverage. So, even if you have a car and get in an accident with your motorcycle, your PIP will not cover your medical bills and lost wages.

What Will My Compensation Cover?

Your compensation will cover your economic and non-economic damages, including your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, etc.

How Long Do I Have to File a Motorcycle Accident Claim?

You have three years from the accident date to file a claim, and once the time elapses, you cannot recover compensation from the at-fault party.

Get Help From the Experienced Attorneys at Goodman Acker, P.C.

If you or a loved one are victims of a motorcycle accident, our motorcycle accident lawyers at Goodman Acker, P.C., will represent your interests, protect your rights, and fight to get you a favorable outcome. Contact us at 248-286-8100 to book a free case review.


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