Michigan Lawyer Blog

Why It’s Important To Have a Truck Accident Lawyer


Personal Injury Results







For countless individuals each year, navigating a truck accident’s aftermath proves extremely difficult. As a result, most people refrain from taking the legal action necessary to obtain justice and compensation. However, seeking compensation is easier if you have an experienced attorney representing you.

In this blog, we cover why having a truck accident lawyer is essential. If you or a loved one suffered injuries from a truck collision, our legal team at Goodman Acker, P.C. can help you seek compensation from the liable party or parties. Contact us at 248-286-8100 to schedule a free case review.

Why retain the services of our truck accident lawyers?

Our truck accident attorneys at Goodman Acker, P.C., have spent decades helping truck accident victims prove their claims and recover compensation for their injuries and other losses. We will help you identify all the parties responsible for your injury and hold them accountable. Our lawyers are fearless in facing off with trucking companies, their insurance companies, and lawyers. So, if you need a reliable legal team to represent you and protect your rights, call us at 248-286-8100 to learn about our services.

We understand the complex nature of truck accident claims and have developed strategies that help our clients come out on top.

Why should you have a truck accident lawyer?

There are several reasons why it is vital to retain the services of a truck accident lawyer, and we discussed three important ones below.

Understanding of regulations and how violations can result in harm

In the trucking industry, many regulations dictate how the trucking company, truck drivers, and other employees must operate. These regulations are designed to keep those in the industry and other drivers on the road safe.

This can include weight restrictions regarding total truck and trailer size, hours-of-service regulations determining how long drivers may be behind the wheel, and even specifying how the trailer should be loaded.

Whether through drowsiness, intoxication, distraction, or other forms of negligence, any violation of the regulations can lead to serious harm when truck drivers lose control of their vehicles. Also, with the sheer size of the tractor-trailer, catastrophic injuries can arise. Our truck accident lawyers understand these regulations, the consequences of their violations, and how to prove that the breach led to the accident that harmed you.

Gathering the necessary evidence to prove negligence and liability

After a truck accident, having the required proof to pursue a claim and legal action is essential. Unfortunately, not all pieces of evidence are easily accessible for victims to receive. This is because the truck driver, employer, and insurance companies are willing to do whatever it takes to protect their profits.

Our truck accident lawyer can help you seek the documents and items you need. This may include driver logs to determine if the hours-of-service regulations were violated, medical records to document your injuries, and the reports taken by law enforcement at the accident scene.

Our truck accident lawyers are skilled negotiators and will ensure all your losses are duly considered when seeking compensation.

Maximizing compensation

You must know how to maximize compensation to get the most out of your personal injury claim. But most victims do not understand how to do this, as they’ve never handled personal injury claims before. Our lawyers excelt in this and will help you maximize compensation.

To do this, we will file your case promptly, preserve crucial evidence, value your claim accurately, consider future damages, and build a strong case. Also, having legal representation shows the truck driver, their company,  and their insurance provider that you are serious about your claim and will not be bullied into accepting a low settlement or denying your claim unjustly.

Let Goodman Acker, P.C., help you seek compensation

We go the extra mile at Goodman Acker, P.C. because our clients deserve it. We know how the trucking industry can be after an accident, even when you suffer a severe injury as a result of the collision. Because of this, we do whatever we can to give you a voice and seek the compensation you deserve.

Our Detroit truck accident attorneys step to the challenge on your behalf. Our ultimate goal is to help you hold negligent parties accountable for their actions and help you pursue justice. Allow us to be your partners. Contact us now at 248-286-8100 to schedule a free case review.
