Michigan Lawyer Blog

Injured? Here’s What You Should Bring to Your First Legal Consultation


Personal Injury Results







If another person’s negligence caused you to suffer an injury, you might be entitled to seek compensation. However, a vital part of seeking compensation is getting legal representation. But you can’t just hire a lawyer or attend the first consultation empty-handed. There are things you must bring to help the lawyer carefully examine your case, assess whether they are the right fit for your case, and estimate the chances of success and the potential compensation.

What should you bring to your first legal consultation? We have covered this and more in this article, and you can always contact us at 248-286-8100 to schedule a free initial consultation. We will listen to you and guide you on how to proceed with your case.

Why choose Goodman Acker, P.C., to represent you?

At Goodman Acker, P.C., our attorneys are seasoned legal practitioners with experience helping injured victims. We help our clients understand their rights and fight for fair compensation. Our clients’ reviews are positive, and we have an excellent relationship with those we’ve represented. We will listen to you patiently during the initial consultation and provide objective legal advice. Call us at 248-286-8100 to schedule a meeting.

We prioritize the interests of our clients and always put them first, treating them with dignity and respect.

What should I bring when I meet with my lawyer?

Before attending your first consultation, it is essential to prepare by gathering all documentation you have relating to your accident or injury. Some examples of helpful documentation include:

  • A copy of the police accident report

  • Copies of any written statements

  • Means of identification like a driver’s license or passport

  • All correspondence you have received from an insurance company about your accident and injuries

  • Receipts for things you have had to fix because of the accident or for things you had to buy because of the accident

  • All medical bills, including records and prescriptions

  • A copy of your automobile insurance policy

  • Pay stubs and other documentation of lost wages

  • Any pictures or videos of the accident scene, your injuries, and the other driver’s car.

Other essential pieces of information you should bring with you include:

  • The name and telephone number of each insurance adjuster you have spoken to

  • The names and contact information of any witnesses to your accident

  • Dates you missed work because of your injuries

  • Names and contact information of any doctors or chiropractors you have consulted with or received treatment from

  • Name and address of the ambulance service and emergency room you first received treatment from

  • The date you were admitted to the hospital and the date of discharge

  • Any other relevant documents related to the accident.

Using this information, our attorneys can determine who is liable for your accident, what damages you can pursue compensation for, and how best to proceed with your case.

What happens during an initial consultation?

When you come for an initial consultation, here’s what typically occurs.


The lawyer handling the consultation will introduce themselves and those who will work on your case. This helps you get to know us and develop a relationship.

Gathering information

After the introduction, it is time to find out why you came and what your case is about. You must provide full details of the accident that harmed you, focusing on the time, date, location, and the events leading to the injury. Try to be as concise as possible without overly exaggerating the facts.

Call out: We will explain the legal process, how long it is likely to take, our plan for negotiating with the insurance company, and the possibility of filing a lawsuit.

Assessing injuries

We will ask about your injuries, focusing on the types and severity. You also have to provide information about the medical treatment received, whether you went for therapy or will undergo future medical care. We will also ask about the impact of the injury on your life and if you suffered any disability or disfigurement.

Reviewing documents

This is where we ask about the documents you came with and review them. The relevant documents are those mentioned above, and based on your case facts, we might require other paperwork, which you can bring to us later.

Discussing legal rights and evaluating liability

Here, we will explain your legal rights based on the information you provided, the law, and the options for pursuing compensation. We will also assess the liability of the party responsible and the type of damages you can ask for.

In addition to the above, we will answer all your questions and discuss our fee structure. Our personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, so you don’t have to worry about our legal fees until we secure a favorable outcome. Finally, based on all the information provided and our discussion, you will decide whether to retain our services and the next steps.

Were you injured by another’s negligence? We can help you seek compensation!

Are you ready to speak with an attorney about your case? At Goodman Acker P.C., we devote time and resources to helping our clients seek justice and get their lives back on track. So, if you need an ethical and reliable law firm in Michigan, contact us at 248-286-8100 for a free consultation.
