Michigan Lawyer Blog

Should I See A Doctor After My Accident For Pain?


Personal Injury Results







Pain and suffering is a common term many may hear when it comes to the aftermath of an auto accident or personal injury accident related matter. For some victims where serious injuries are a result, such as a broken bone or back injury, the pain is evident and there is no question of whether or not you should see a doctor. However for others, pain does not come right away or the pain they are experiencing is limited and therefore they question whether or not they should see a doctor.

If you are currently experiencing this and are questioning whether or not you should see a doctor after your accident, you are not alone. Our Detroit personal injury attorneys at Goodman Acker P.C. receive this question quite frequently, and always tell our clients that it is in their best interest to see a doctor. Just because you may not be experiencing pain does not mean that you are suffering from injuries or will face one down the road. In addition, if you were not at fault for the accident and are looking to seek compensation from the negligent party, simply saying that you are experiencing pain will not allow you to collect damages. It must be proven through medical records from your doctor that you are in fact injured and suffering pain. If it is proven that injuries have resulted, you can then file a pain and suffering claim against the at-fault party.

Understanding Pain Types

Throughout our lives, accident related or not, we all will experience varying degrees and types of pain. There are two types of pain you should be aware of: acute pain and chronic pain.

Our Detroit personal injury lawyers answers the question: Should I see a doctor after my accident for pain?Acute pain is normal pain caused by an injury. It starts immediately after the injury and usually does not last very long. Although it can range in severity, it is usually treatable with therapy or medicine. As the injury heals, the pain subsides. It usually lasts no more than six months. There are many common causes of acute pain, such as:

  • cuts, burns and bruises from bumps and falls

  • sprains and fractures

  • broken bones

For severe injuries, such as a broken bone or a spinal cord injury, you should seek medical treatment immediately.

Chronic pain is pain that lasts for weeks, months, or years. It may come and go or it may be constant. Chronic pain is the result of pain signals remaining active in the nervous system. Occasionally, it can result from an injury that is still painful past the normal length of time that pain should last. This type of pain is usually diagnosed after three to six months of pain. There are a variety of causes of chronic pain, such as:

  • head, neck, shoulder and back aches or pain in other specific areas of the body

  • arthritis and joint pain, tendinitis and carpal tunnel syndrome

  • long-lasting pain from injuries

  • general muscle and nerve aches

  • sinus pain

Sometimes it may be hard to distinguish between acute and chronic pain and a doctor should be able to differentiate the difference by understanding your symptoms and cause for the pain.

Legal Help After Suffering Pain

If you are experiencing pain caused by an injury of which someone else was at fault in the State of Michigan, you may have a personal injury lawsuit. Such cases arise from people being injured in car accidents, motorcycle accidents, medical malpractice, dog bite injuries, slip and fall accidents and more. Every case is different so if you have seen a doctor and suffer from serious injuries, call our lawyers at Goodman Acker P.C. today to discuss your situation and to see if you have a claim. We have been serving the Metro-Detroit community for over 30 years and can give you the legal help you need.

Call today for free and at no obligation.
