Michigan Personal Injury Lawyer

Ann Arbor Slip-and-Fall Lawyer


Accident Results






Get Help from a Seasoned Ann Arbor Slip-and-Fall Lawyer

We Are Genuinely Invested in Your Case and Welfare

A slip-and-fall accident happens when a dangerous condition or uneven surface causes you to lose footing and fall. Slip-and-fall accidents can result in minor or severe wounds. If caused by the negligence or carelessness of the property owner, you may be able to recover financial compensation. However, property owners and their insurance companies will not accept liability readily.

Even if they do, they might make a settlement offer that can’t cover your damages. Therefore, you should get legal representation before commencing a slip-and-fall accident case. At Goodman Acker, PC., our Ann Arbor slip-and-fall lawyer can represent your interest and ensure you are not cheated by the premises owner or their insurance provider. We will guide you and handle your case to get a favorable outcome.

Contact us today at 248-286-8100 to schedule a consultation with our slip-and-fall attorney.

Why Choose Our Ann Arbor Slip-and-Fall Lawyer?

Our legal team at Goodman Acker, P.C., are experienced negotiators and trial lawyers who have successfully represented slip-and-fall accident victims. We have won millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for our clients and have a track record of successful outcomes. We understand the tricks insurance companies use to avoid paying compensation or paying a lowball settlement and develop effective countermeasures.

At Goodman Acker, P.C., we have a 99% success rate, and our client’s positive testimonials speak to our dedication and commitment to justice.

We are dedicated to each case we handle and take a personalized approach based on each case’s specifics. Also, we understand Michigan’s slip-and-fall laws and the legal system and will do all we can to represent your interest within the law. We work on a no-win, no-fee basis, so you don’t have to worry about upfront fees or let it keep you from exercising your right to compensation.

Call us at 248-286-8100 to learn more about our services and how we can help you.

Slip-and-Fall Accident Cases Under Michigan Law

Under Michigan premises liability law, a property owner or possessor has a legal duty to keep their premises safe for licensees and invitees. As such, a property owner must ensure no hazard could cause a slip-and-fall accident. Hazards or unsafe conditions that could result in a slip-and-fall accident are:

  • Ice and snow
  • Defective steps and broken stairways
  • Missing or broken handrail within or outside a property
  • Water and other substances like grease on the floor
  • Uneven, broken, or raised floors and potholes
  • Inadequate or poor lighting, etc.

A slip-and-fall can result in minor injuries like cuts and scrapes, bruises, and whiplash, or severe ones like head injury, broken bones, spinal injury, etc. When you slip, fall, and get injured, the premises owner who failed to maintain their premises is liable to pay compensation. But first, you must show that they knew of the defect on their property and failed to fix it, leading to your injury.

How To Prove a Slip-and-Fall Case in Ann Arbor, Michigan

When pursuing a slip-and-fall case, you need to prove the following:

The Presence of a Dangerous Condition

The first thing to establish is a dangerous condition on the property, which the owner should have known of and warned visitors about. You can prove the defective condition with photographs, videos, incident reports, or repair records of the area where you fell.

The Owner of the Property Knew Or Should Have Known of the Defective Condition

By getting copies of previous complaints, you can show that the property owner was aware of the defect that caused the fall. If the fall happened in an apartment complex, ask the residents if anyone else had fallen and sustained injuries in the exact location. You can also show that the defect has existed for a long time, and the owner should have known about it.

You Were Lawfully on the Property

You must show that you were legally on the property as an invitee or a licensee. An invitee gets on the property with the express or implied invitation of the owner, usually for business purposes. On the other hand, a licensee is someone who is on a property at the owner’s invitation, like a social guest or tenant. If you trespassed onto the property, your claim will be invalid.

At Goodman Acker, P.C., we are ethical, aggressive, trusted, and compassionate attorneys who always prioritize our clients’ interests.

The Property Owner Was Negligent in the Maintenance of the Property Or Failed To Repair the Condition

Next, you need to show that the property owner negligently failed to keep the property in habitable condition or failed to fix the dangerous condition. Suppose it is a place where you reside. You can get repair records or requests for repairs that the owner did not respond to. Photographs and videos are also vital in establishing the owner’s negligence.

You Suffered an Injury Because of the Dangerous Condition

Finally, you must establish that you suffered an injury from the fall. Your medical record is vital evidence for proving your injuries, the time it took to recover, and the cost. You can receive compensation for medical expenses and other monetary and nonmonetary losses.

Proving the negligence of property owners can be complex, as most rely on the “open and obvious doctrine” to escape liability. Thankfully, in 2023, the Michigan Supreme Court removed the immunity enjoyed by landowners because of the doctrine, and injured persons can now seek and recover compensation against negligent property owners who fail to maintain their property.

What Compensation Can You Recover in a Slip-and-Fall Case?

You can recover economic and noneconomic damages if you prove the property owner’s liability. Economic damages compensate for the monetary losses from the accident and can be calculated to a fixed dollar amount. Examples are:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Cost of home improvement, etc.

Noneconomic damages are nonmonetary losses and are more challenging to calculate as they do not have a fixed dollar value. Examples are:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional anguish
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Loss of companionship, etc.

Although rare, a slip-and-fall accident might result in death. In such an instance, the deceased’s loved one may be eligible for compensation under a wrongful death claim. Whatever the case, our slip-and-fall accident lawyer in Ann Arbor will calculate your case worth and help you get a fair settlement.

Our diverse, skilled, and reputable team prioritizes every client and will not pass you around.

Ann Arbor Slip-and-Fall Lawyer FAQs

As with all premises liability cases, slip-and-fall accident victims have questions about the claims process and the cost of hiring a lawyer. The following are some of the frequently asked questions:

Are slip-and-fall cases hard to win in court?

Every case comes with its uniqueness and challenges. However, our attorneys always strive for an out-of-court settlement, and where it’s not possible, we will present your case in court before a jury.

What happens if I am partly to blame for a slip-and-fall accident? 

If you somehow contributed to your slip-and-fall accident, the Michigan comparative negligence law comes into play. Under the law, you can recover compensation even if you are partly liable, but your fault percentage will reduce the amount. Also, your fault percentage must not be more than 50%.

When should I hire an Ann Arbor slip-and-fall Attorney?

Immediately after the slip-and-fall accident. Your attorney will examine whether you have a valid claim and advise how to proceed. Also, they will help you put together the evidence needed to prove the property owner’s negligence.

How much will it cost to hire a slip-and-fall accident Lawyer?

Slip-and-fall attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid when they win your case. Also, we only collect a percentage of your compensation, usually between 30% to 40%.

These may not be your only questions; our attorneys will discuss your specific concerns in your initial consult.

How Can Our Ann Arbor Slip-and-Fall Lawyer Help You?

Our Goodman Acker, P.C. team understands the emotional and physical difficulties of dealing with an injury and filing a claim. Therefore, when you contact us and retain our services, we will handle your case while you focus on recovering. We will gather any additional evidence needed to prove the property owner’s negligence and call expert witnesses if we have to.

Also, we will review every document sent by the property owner’s insurance company to ensure you are not cheated out of fair compensation. We will negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf, and if your case goes to court, we will present it before a jury. We are available 24/7 to listen to you and will update you on your case’s progress.

Book a Free Case Evaluation Today!

If you or a loved one were injured in a slip-and-fall accident, our Goodman Acker, P.C. team can help you recover compensation. We will listen to you attentively and let you know how we can help you. Call us at 248-286-8100 to speak with one of our attorneys.

Attorney Barry Goodman


Barry J. Goodman has devoted his professional life to keeping courthouse doors open for victims seeking justice. Always a tireless advocate for his own clients, Goodman sees his responsibility as a Detroit personal injury attorney in a broader sense as well. [ Attorney Bio ]


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