Flint Truck Accident Lawyer


Personal Injury Results








We Fight for Injured Victims Against Negligent Truck Drivers and Companies

Truck accidents involve large trucks and other vehicles on the roadway in Flint. These collisions have devastating impacts, especially for the smaller vehicle occupants. Also, most trucking accidents result in the totaling of passenger cars, catastrophic injuries, and death.

When this happens, the truck accident victim can file a compensation claim against the negligent party. However, due to the nature of trucking collisions, collecting compensation from the at-fault party, or identifying all the parties likely responsible for the collision can be challenging. Hence, you should get legal representation as soon as possible.

At Goodman Acker, P.C., our Flint truck accident lawyer has helped several trucking collision victims fight for their rights and protect their interests. When you contact us, we will carefully examine your case facts, determine its strengths and weaknesses, and advise whether you have a valid claim and the chances of securing compensation.

Call us at 248-286-8100 to book a free case review.

Why Choose Our Flint Truck Accident Lawyer?

In the decades we have represented truck accident victims, we have seen the devastating impacts of the injuries sustained in such collisions. So, whether you suffered injuries or lost a loved one in a trucking collision, our legal team at Goodman Acker, P.C., is here for you. We understand the laws affecting this type of accident and the ins and outs of the Michigan legal system.

Our Flint truck accident attorneys have secured millions of dollars in settlements and verdicts for truck accident victims.

Therefore, we will bring our experience and legal knowledge to your case and fight aggressively to help you secure fair compensation. Also, we understand the workings of insurance companies and their tactics for avoiding paying compensation, and we have created effective countermeasures to ensure your rights do not get infringed on.

Our initial consultations are free, and we are always available to listen to you and attend to your needs. We also work on a contingency fee basis, so you don’t have to worry about paying us upfront until we win. Contact us at 248-286-8100 to schedule a no-fee, no-obligation consultation.

What Causes Truck Accidents in Flint, Michigan?

Trucks are undoubtedly crucial to exporting and importing goods from and to Flint. While trucks provide valuable service, they also threaten road users, especially when the drivers are overworked, distracted, fatigued, or reckless. Also, the size of trucks — weighing as much as 80,000 pounds — makes it hard for passenger vehicle occupants to escape unscathed in a collision.

In our years representing truck accident victims in Flint and other parts of Michigan, we have identified the following as the leading causes of trucking collisions:

  • Driver fatigue: Truck drivers travel several miles daily, working long hours to meet deadlines set by their employers. As a result, they forgo sleep, leaving them exhausted. Fatigue affects a driver’s cognitive abilities, slows reaction times, and increases the chances of an accident.
  • Speed: Trying to meet delivery schedules causes drivers to go beyond the speed limit. When truck drivers speed and try to maneuver a curve, they might get into a rollover accident.
  • Distracted driving: Truck drivers also get distracted by activities like changing the radio, looking at the GPS for directions, eating, etc. Not paying full attention to the road increases the chances of a crash, especially when driving large trucks.
  • Equipment malfunction: Not all truck accidents are caused by the driver’s negligence. Equipment malfunction can lead to a collision, as well as maintenance issues. Examples are transmission failure, defective brakes, steering, tire blowouts, etc.
  • Impaired driving: Getting behind the wheel of a truck after drinking or taking an intoxicating medication is a recipe for disaster. Impaired drivers have reduced cognitive functions, making reacting in time to avoid a crash challenging.

Irrespective of the cause of the truck accident, you might be able to seek compensation. Our truck accident lawyer in Flint, Michigan, can help you determine if you have a valid claim.

Who Is Responsible for A Truck Accident in Flint?

After a truck accident, it is easy to believe that the truck driver is the party solely responsible, but this isn’t always true. In most cases, the fault lies exclusively with the trucker, primarily if they are not affiliated with any company. However, other parties might be responsible. They include the following:

The Trucking Company

The company the truck driver works for might be responsible if they were negligent. For example, a company that knowingly hires a driver with a DUI history will be liable if they cause an accident while under the influence. Also, creating schedules that give truckers little time to rest and goes against the FMCSA Hours of Service Regulations makes a company responsible for a crash.

The Cargo Company/Loaders

Spilled cargo or overloads can cause an accident when a truck suddenly overturns. When this happens, the cargo company or loaders will be liable to compensate injured victims.

The Truck Manufacturer

Truck manufacturers would be liable for an accident if a design or mechanical defect caused the crash. However, proving the liability of truck manufacturers after an accident is complex and requires the help of experts and experienced Flint truck accident attorneys.

All our clients are essential, and we dedicate a team and resources to each one from the beginning to the end of their case.

Third-Party Drivers

Other road users might be responsible for a truck accident. For instance, suppose a driver runs a red light and crashes into a truck, and the truck hits your car. In such an instance, the responsible party will be the driver who started the events that led to the accident.

By carefully examining your case facts and the available evidence, our attorneys at Goodman Acker, P.C. can determine the party or parties responsible for a truck accident.

Who Pays Compensation After a Truck Accident in Flint?

Michigan is a no-fault car insurance state, meaning that parties to an accident must rely on their personal injury protection (PIP) benefits, irrespective of who is at fault. Therefore, after a truck collision, you cannot sue immediately. Michigan’s No-Fault Law comes into play, and your insurance company pays for your medical bills, a portion of your lost wages, and the cost of replacement services.

However, if the accident caused a severe or catastrophic injury, led to a disfigurement or disability, or death, the victim or their loved one can sue for compensation to recover economic and non-economic damages. The two cover:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Property damage
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Disfigurement
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of earning capacity, etc.

If a loved one dies, you can recover burial and funeral expenses together with some of the above. Our truck accident attorney in Flint can help you calculate your claim’s worth and ask for all the damages you’re entitled to.

Don’t sleep on your rights as a truck accident victim. Let us help you regain a semblance of your life before the unfortunate event.

Flint Truck Accident Lawyer FAQs

We receive questions all the time from our clients, and below are answers to some common ones. For more in-depth answers, contact our law firm for a free consultation.

There is no fixed amount, as several factors determine how much you get. They include the severity and type of injury, how much you lost when away from work, the negotiating skill of your attorney, etc.

The Michigan comparative negligence law will apply, meaning your fault percentage determines how much you can receive. So, you get 70% of the compensation awarded if you are 30% at fault. But if your liability is over 50%, you walk away empty-handed.

In Michigan, you have three years to file a lawsuit. If you do not do so within that time, you will lose your right to compensation forever.

You can choose self-representation, but it is always best to have legal representation as the at-fault party will. Your lawyer will represent your interest and ensure your rights are always protected.

How Our Flint Truck Accident Lawyer Can Help You

When you retain our services at Goodman Acker, P.C., you will enjoy the following services:

  • Legal representation
  • Case investigation
  • Evidence gathering
  • Negotiation and settlement
  • Lawsuit filing and court advocacy.

We are experienced in handling the different complexities of truck accident claims, and you will benefit from our wealth of experience and knowledge. So, if you need a legal team in Flint that will put you first and fight for you, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Book A Free Consultation Now!

Choosing our truck accident lawyers at Goodman Acker, P.C., to represent you allows you to focus on your recovery while we handle your case. We will do all we can within the law to get a favorable outcome, so call us now at 248-286-8100 for a free case consultation.

Attorney Barry Goodman


Barry J. Goodman has devoted his professional life to keeping courthouse doors open for victims seeking justice. Always a tireless advocate for his own clients, Goodman sees his responsibility as a Detroit personal injury attorney in a broader sense as well. [ Attorney Bio ]


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